Moringa: The tree that keeps on giving
Just how amazing is the moringa tree? It’s nothing short of a miracle! It is packed with potent nutrients from roots to leaves that even scientists aren’t done counting its many, many benefits to date. Go-Lacta gathered the numbers that are out there and we don’t think we’ll see an end to it. Yes, this wonder plant just keeps on giving.
Tree of life
1000 pods is the approximate number a Moringa tree can produce in a year
40 is the % of oil contained in Moringa seeds
15-35 degrees centigrade is the ideal temperature for a moringa tree to thrive but this hardy tree can still grow under 48 degrees centigrade temperature
20 is the average number of years a Moringa tree can live
13 the number of Moringa genus species around the world
5-6 meters is how high a Moringa tree can grow in a year
1-5 kg is the average fresh leaf yield of 1 Moringa tree per year
Nature and nurture
25 grams of Moringa is all it takes for a child to have his/her recommended daily allowance of protein, calcium, Magnesium, potassium, iron, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C; this also makes a winning ‘weaning’ food and supplement
10-15 grams of Moringa leaf powder is the amount recommended by the World Health Organization that mothers can add to every 100g of breast milk to boost the nutritional value of the milk for babies 6 months and up
8 ounces of Moringa leaves contain 1000mg of calcium, therefore making it ideal for lactose intolerant babies and adults and in preventing osteoporosis
6 tablespoons of leaf powder will provide nearly all of the woman's daily iron and calcium needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding ; a mother's milk supplement
8-10 mcg of selenium is in 100g or Moringa leaf powder; selenium decreases the risk of many types of cancers including breast and colon and is also known to preserves tissue elasticity, slows down the aging of tissues.
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