Moringa: Nature to Nurture
Nature and nurture
There is not a more perfect food source than Moringa leaves, harvested from the Moringa oleifera Lam tree, native to the Philippines. Moringa is Mother Nature's green gift. A galactagogue for nursing mothers and the superfood benefits can also be enjoyed by the entire family.
25 grams of Moringa is all it takes for a child to meet his/her recommended daily allowance of protein, calcium, Magnesium, potassium, iron, plus both Vitamins A and C. Moringa is also a winning ‘weaning’ food and supplement for babies moving to a solid foods diet.
WHO, the World Health Organization, recommends just 10-15 grams of Moringa leaf powder can be added to every 100g of breast milk to boost the nutritional value for babies 6 months and older.
8 ounces of Moringa leaves contain 1000mg of calcium, therefore making it ideal source of calcium for lactose intolerant babies and adults. Sufficient calcium intake is crucial in helping to prevent osteoporosis in women.
6 tablespoons of Moringa leaf powder will provide nearly all of a woman's daily requirement for iron and calcium during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Both a galactagogue and a superfood, Moringa truly helps support breast milk production.
8-10 mcg of selenium is found in every 100g of Moringa leaf powder. Selenium in known to decrease the risk of many types of cancers, like breast and colon cancers. Selenium is also recommended to help preserve skin tissue elasticity, and slow down the aging of those delicate tissues.
Go-Lacta was the first to introduce this amazing green goodness to the U.S. in 2012, just over 13 years ago. We are proud to offer the many health benefits of Moringa to you and your family. Go-Lacta is honored to be a part of your journey!
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