10 Ways to Include Moringa Leaves in Your Diet

10 Ways to Include Moringa Leaves in Your Diet

Sep 20, 2024Aimee Palmere

Moringa leaves have been used for centuries for their essential vitamins, anti-inflammatory effects, positive effects on blood pressure, heart health, and lowering cholesterol levels. It's especially helpful in assisting in breastfeeding. Here are easy ways to use them.

What are Moringa Leaves?

There are many varieties of the Moringa tree. Go-Lacta’s Moringa leaves come from the Moringa oleifera tree, also called the "drumstick tree," the "horseradish tree," or the "miracle tree." This drought-resistant tree is native to the Philippines, parts of Africa, and Asia. Every part of the plant is edible: leaves, seeds, bark, roots, sap, and flowers, and offers a wide range of nutritional and bioactive compounds.

The leaves in particular have a variety of health benefits including being loaded with vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, iron, and potassium. They have antioxidant properties that help neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation, making them helpful for chronic conditions like arthritis.

Moringa leaves may also help regulate blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol levels, help with high blood pressure, and support brain health.

Moringa has also been used in traditional medicine and Ayurvedic medicine to treat things like skin diseases. It’s frequently used to help with breastfeeding by stimulating the hormones that help produce breast milk.

Moringa leaves can be taken in the form of moringa leaf tea, moringa leaf capsules, or in powder form that can be mixed into smoothies, soups, and more. The powder can also be mixed into baked goods like breads or cookies.

Health Benefits of Moringa Leaves

Because of their nutritional value, Moringa leaves are an important food source in parts of the world; they're rich in vitamins A, B, and C to boost your immune system, as well as potassium, calcium, and iron. Moringa has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, helping with conditions like arthritis and heart disease. Research suggests that they can also help manage cholesterol and regulate blood sugar.

For centuries, the leaves have been used to increase the production of breast milk by stimulating the hormones prolactin and oxytocin. Besides volume, the nutritional quality of the breast milk is improved with higher amino acids and protein levels.

Ways to Include Moringa Leaves in Your Diet

There are a variety of easy ways to include moringa in your diet on a regular basis to reap many potential health benefits. Moringa leaf tea is a caffeine-free herbal brew. Moringa leaf capsules can be taken as a daily supplement. Moringa powder can be blended into smoothies, soups, and various baked goods. The fresh leaves themselves can be chopped and folded into salads and stir-fries.

There are so many convenient ways to get the benefits of moringa, whether it’s for overall health or to improve breastfeeding. Golacta.com offers top-quality moringa leaf products that blend easily into your lifestyle.

Moringa Powder

Moringa powder can be sprinkled over smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, or soups. It can also be folded into baked goods like breads or cookies. Blend moringa powder with almond milk as a quick daily pick-me-up.

Moringa Tea

Make Moringa tea by steeping dried Moringa leaves in some hot water. Add honey or lemon for extra flavor. Because it's caffeine-free, you can enjoy a warm mug of Moringa tea any time of day.

Moringa Capsules or Supplements

Getting the potential benefits and nutrient content of Moringa leaves is made easier when you take it in capsule or supplement form. Check with your healthcare professional as to an appropriate dosage.

Moringa Smoothies

Start your morning off with a healthy Moringa smoothie. Mix about a tablespoon of Moringa powder with a nondairy liquid like coconut water or almond milk. Add a banana for satisfying richness. Experiment with including other leafy greens.

Moringa Wraps

Make a tasty sandwich wrap by mixing chopped moringa leaves into any dough made of flour, water, and salt. Let the dough rest for about 10 minutes, then roll it out, cut into shapes, and either bake or fry them. Fill them with your favorite sandwich filling.

Moringa Rice

Finely chop fresh some Moringa leaves and blend them into cooked rice. For extra flavor, add a few chopped onions or garlic to taste.

Moringa Energy Balls

Moringa powder blends well with ingredients like seeds, raisins, and dates to make no-bake snacks you can keep in the fridge and enjoy when you need a healthy boost on the go.

Moringa Salads

Chopped fresh Moringa leaves make an easy addition to any salad. They have a slightly peppery taste and can stand in for other greens like spinach or kale. Or you can sprinkle a little Moringa powder over your greens.

Moringa Soup

Incorporate Moringa into any soup by either adding a handful of the fresh chopped leaves or a small amount of Moringa powder.

Moringa Pesto

Use Moringa in your next batch of pesto. The powder or leaves pair well with pine nuts, basil, olive oil, and parsley.

How to Consume Moringa Leaves: How Much Should You Use?

When it comes to taking Moringa in any form, you should always start by talking to your healthcare provider. Moringa leaves offer many benefits, but more isn't always better because they’re high in fiber, which can lead to increased bowel movements.

Depending on the amount of moringa leaves you consume, moringa leaves are rich in vitamin K and may lower blood sugar levels. It may interact with certain medications, like blood thinners and diabetes medications. It’s important to discuss supplementation with your healthcare provider.


Adding Moringa to your diet in any of its various forms will provide you with essential nutrients and contribute to a healthy immune system. Studies suggest that the Moringa leaves offer powerful antioxidant activity, help with blood sugar levels and many other exciting health benefits.

For centuries, women have turned to this time-tested plant to help with breastfeeding. It stimulates the hormones that create breast milk and naturally increases production as well as the nutritional value of the milk.

As with any supplement, check with your doctor first.There are many convenient ways to use Moringa in your daily routine, through powder, tea, or adding the leaves themselves to your cooking. Go-Lacta makes it easy to add this little "miracle" to your life.

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