Organic Moringa Breast Milk Supplement

Effectiveness of Natalac as a Galactagogue 

Mother's milk is the best food for its newborn. The campaign for breastfeeding is being pursued by the Department of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), and all organizations involved with the improvement of the health of the mother and the infant.

Malunggay capsules improve lactation with no reported adverse effectsExcerpts : Breastfeeding is much more beneficial to the newborn than bottle feeding. Mothers are convinced about the advantages of breastfeeding but most often they complain about the inadequacy of milk supply from their breasts. 

  Lactagogues or galactagogues are special foods, drinks or herbs which people believe can increase a mother's milk supply. In many parts of the Philippines, women take Moringa leaves in chicken or shellfish soups to help them lactate well. The mechanism of action has not been explained but it was effective as a galactagogue (breast milk supplement) and has been used by generations of nursing mothers especially those with inadequate lactation.


We have found that moringa capsules (Natalac) do enhance lactation among breastfeeding mothers and there were no reported adverse effects from the study. In addition, public education, personal advice, and friendly support from health workers and counselors who have special understanding and skills are most effective if they work with individual mothers, and if they help their colleagues to learn the same skills.

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