Your body is smart and will cease non-essential functions to conserve energy

Your body is smart and will cease non-essential functions to conserve energy

Your body is smart and will cease non-essential functions to conserve energy

Did you know your body is thinking ahead for you? if your body senses that you are skimping on nutrition, hydration or sleep, your body will target shutting down non-essential functions - like breastfeeding (wha the wha?!) in order to preserve essential functions, like breathing or pumping blood through your heart.⁠

We know you have a lot of your plate mama, but this little tidbit of advice always brings things back in to focus: “Please place the mask over your own mouth and nose before assisting others.” This simple preflight message that has graced every airplane intercom for decades brings this truth home. While helping others is always something we as parents strive for, sometimes, you do HAVE to put yourself FIRST in order to be in a position to help others.

listen to your body and rest when you can. hydrate often. eat nourishing foods.

do good, do you, make every ounce count!

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