How Do I Know If My Breastfeeding is a Success?

How Do I Know If My Breastfeeding is a Success? - Go-Lacta

How Do I Know If My Breastfeeding is a Success?

Woman holding a cup of tea, enjoying a moment of relaxation.

Many moms have asked the question “how do I know if my breastfeeding journey is successful?”

So what exactly is the measure of breastfeeding success?

Is the answer a full refrigerator/freezer of breastmilk?

A stack of outgrown baby clothes?

A baby that is on and sticks to a daily schedule?

Would you be surprised if I told you the answer was none of those things?

You literally hold (and probably snuggle) the answer in your hands every day!

The yardstick for a healthy, happy baby is one that is meeting or exceeding physical and developmental milestones.

I know every single one of us has swooned over those social media posts that show valleys of frozen breast milk packets, stashed away in the frozen wonderland of a refrigerator.⁠ While I must admit, it is great to have a frozen stash to pull from for a partner or grandparent feed, a sudden baby growth spurt or an unforeseen emergency, ounces upon ounces of frozen breast milk is NOT your measure of success.

Breastfeeding is not a competition.

Breastfeeding is a journey; not a sprint.

Mothers are not the sum of their frozen ounces.

The true measure of a successful breastfeeding journey is a happy, healthy baby that is meeting and quashing milestones head on, all with your unwavering love, support and yes, sometimes with the aid of breast milk.

I have said this before and I will say it again, breast milk is an amazing source of bespoke nutrition for your little. Whether you are providing 2 ounces or 20, every ounce counts. Want to make those ounces count even more? Go-Lacta® is a galactagogue AND a superfood so mama and baby can both reap the healthy green benefits of 100% natural Philippine Moringa leaves.

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Go-Lacta sources premium Philippine Moringa to increase the mother's milk production.

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