Can I still breastfeed my infant if I tested positive for Covid-19 ?

Can I still breastfeed my infant if I tested positive for Covid-19 ? - Go-Lacta

Can I still breastfeed my infant if I tested positive for Covid-19 ?

Covid-19 has affected almost all aspects of our lives and breastfeeding mothers are no exception. Perhaps one of the biggest dilemma new moms face as the whole world still grapples with the pandemic and its new variants is whether to continue with nursing her baby even if she has Covid-19 or is suspected to have Covid-19.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)recommends that mothers with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should be encouraged to initiate or continue to breastfeed. WHO, in particular, says that “Mothers should be counselled that the benefits of breastfeeding substantially outweigh the potential risks for transmission.”

Both organizations’ recommendations are also based on what the world so far knows about the virus, among these :

  • COVID-19 is uncommon in newborns born to mothers who had COVID-19 during pregnancy.
  • Some newborns have tested positive for COVID-19 shortly after birth. It is unknown if these newborns got the virus before, during, or after birth.
  • Most newborns who tested positive for COVID-19 had mild or no symptoms and recovered. However, there are a few reports of newborns with severe COVID-19 illness.

What mothers can do

Precaution is the next best thing nursing moms who are suspected to have or already have Covid-19 can do. Among those recommended by CDC are :

  1. Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before holding or caring for your newborn.
  2. Use sanitizers with 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
  3. Wear a mask while breastfeeding and whenever you are within 6 feet of your baby.
  4. Keep your newborn more than 6 feet away from you as much as possible when not breastfeeding.
  1. If at home, have a healthy caregiver who is not at increased risk of severe illness to help take care of the child.

Seeking a healthcare’s advice is important so mothers need not navigate this difficult and uncertain terrain alone.

It is also important for new moms to do everything they can to boost their immune system, while ensuring that their milk production is steady and in good supply as they keep some distance from their newborn while they recover.

Moringa supplements in capsule, teas, or powder form go a long way not only in keeping the immune system strong but in ensuring increased milk supply. These supplements come from 100% pure and organic moringa leaves picked, dried, and packed on the same day and is safe to take for nursing moms Moringa remains to be nature’s best galactagogue “that doesn’t need other herbs or blends to enhance its benefits.” It is also a dependable health booster because it contains 18 essential amino acids, 27 vitamins, and 46 antioxidants.

Supplement dosage recommended for nursing moms is 3,000 mg per day or three capsules twice a day.

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