Go-Lacta is made for pregnant and nursing parents
Go-Lacta® is made for pregnant and nursing moms
A few of you have asked, Why do other Moringa products have a fine print with the statement: "Not for use in pregnant or lactating women"? It has prompted emails or DMs asking us if Go-Lacta products are safe for you.
The short answer, Go-Lacta IS made for pregnant and breastfeeding parents.
Go-Lacta is made from pure premium Moringa leaves grown on our very own farm in the Philippines, picked at the peak of freshness then dried and packaged with loads of heart but no preservatives or fillers. We utilize only Moringa leaves in all 3 of our formulations, as Moringa leaves are a natural galactagogue and provide vital health components that are safe for both pregnant and lactating women.
You can be assured that Go-Lacta is made for you and your family.
Moms-to-be, you can start taking Go-Lacta at anytime during your pregnancy, to prep your body for milk production post delivery. This can also be the route for 2nd or even 5th time moms who found their production levels were previously low.
If you are still breastfeeding and currently pregnant, Go-Lacta will help keep your milk supply up and prepare your body for the new addition to the family.
Go-Lacta also has a place in families starting lactation protocols in preparation for adopting a baby. We suggest working with your doctor to create a lactation induction regimen that would combine both prescription medications and Go-Lacta.
We are honored to be a part of your family's journey!
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